Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Good news!

Hi !
I’m so happy to see all the chikan embroidery projects. You girls have made my day. Thank you all.
My mom’ (my embroidery teacher too) was so happy to see your work and wanted me to convey her wishes to you all.
There are 135 participants from 17 countries in our SAL.
I can hear you girls asking me, so what’s the good news? Since I am a new blogger I didn’t expect this response. I get request e-mails still and due to my lack of time I couldn’t accept.I don't want to disappoint so many friends and I thought I'll run this class again after April.When my mom’ asked me about this class today I told her about my problem and she has offered to help me with this for the next couple of weekends. She believes in sharing, she had learnt her craft that way because there was no formal craft classes in India 40-50 years back.
HURRAY!  Now my mom’ is on board and she will send the design and instructions to those who wants to join us. All you have to do is to send me an e-mail to register in this class, please do mention your country name in your e-mail. Please do not leave your e-mail id in the comments form.
Happy stitching! 


  1. I'm so excited you've opened this class up!
    I'm in.

    Santa Cruz, CA, USA

  2. I am entranced with this Chikan Embroidery I do not know. Deb, Mosaic Magpie and Suz, Suztats have shared their work and I must try it. Please add me into the class and thank you so much.
    Nevada City, California, USA

  3. I've already sent you the mail. This time I don't want to miss

  4. Anita,
    Extend our warm welcome to your mother:)))))))))


  5. Yipppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!Thank you!!!Mailed you...hope I made it..

  6. That is so sweet and generous of your mother. I am already in the class and want to tell those thinking about it that they should! You are doing a wonderful job teaching with your clear direction.


  7. Please add me to your class roster. I'd love to take this class!

    Iowa, USA

  8. Hi Anita,

    Huge thank you to your lovely mum for helping out so you could open the class to more of eager embroiderers! Let her know my pattern has arrived and I will trace it out today so I can begin.

    Jacky xox

  9. Is it the same class, Anita?I just want to thank you for informing me about the award and the lovely comment on Hannah's blog.I'd finished the first lesson of chikan.Wow, some of the participants are really fast, aren't they?Wish I had more time.Last time when I try to comment, the PC hung and couldn't turn it on for days.Hope today I'll be able to hit the publish button.

  10. @ Ina- Yes,it's the same class.Lesson 2 is simple,am sure you'll finish it in few minutes.I agree with you,some of the participants are fast.It feels good to see all the projects in progress.

  11. Hi Anita,

    I was excited to see this.
    Will you be teaching Jaali Work of Chikankari?



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