Friday, 16 January 2015

Stitch tutorial - Threaded Blanket stitch

I'd like to share a new stitch with y'all and it will be a lovely addition to my 'not so popular' stitch tutorial series.
If you are looking for a border stitch or a new CQ seam treatment then you might like this :-)

Step 1 : Work 2 rows of blanket stitches 3 or       4 mm apart and facing each other as shown in the image.
Note: The stitch length of the top row  is same but in the bottom row every third blanket stitch is slightly longer than the others.

Step 2 : Thread the needle with a second color and come up near the first stitch of the top row and pass the needle under the first 2 stitches without piercing the fabric from left to right as shown and pull.

Step 3 : Pass the needle under the first long stitch of the bottom row from right to left as shown and pull.

Step 4 : Miss the next stitch on the top row and pass the needle under the next 2 stitches as shown and pull.  Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you reach the end.

You could also bring the second color up near the first stitch of the bottom row as shown.

This is how it'll look after you finish threading the blanket stitches.


Happy Pongal to those of you who celebrate.
Happy stitching!


  1. Thank you for this lovely

    Thank you for this lovely tuto

  2. looks beautiful. i will try it. thanks for sharing so many new stitches.

  3. Oh, Anita this stitch is so pretty and so simple as well.
    Thank you for sharing - I'll use it as soon as possible.

    Happy Pongal and good fortune to you.

  4. Looks like arches. Neat new stitch.

  5. This one also is new to me :-) very beautiful arch shape....
    Give some ideas on how to use these stitches in embroidery. So far I have done emb only in dresses never any crazy quilting block. Would like to try though.


Thanks for your visit and comments!